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Come Rain or Shine

Mar 16, 2023

"The very act of shining the light of your attention on something causes it to shift and change. So if somebody's coming in with a mindset that they've inherited and partly that they've kind of constructed out of trial and error over the years, it's probably never had the light of attention shone upon it."

In this episode of Come Rain or Shine, Myles Downey shares about his work helping others realize their unique genius and true potential, despite the resistance and interference of a world stuck in a command-and-control mentality. His expertise in coaching led him to create the School of Coaching. His coaching knowledge runs far and wide, having studied with Timothy Galway, worked with McKinsey, the England rugby team and New Zealand elite rugby coaches. 

In his book 'Enabling Genius', he helps people identify their unique potential and express it. 

Myles was born in Dublin, Ireland, and now lives in the UK. He grew up toeing the line and was a compliant student. He had studied architecture, but with time started to realize it was not for him. His life changed when he read a book by Timothy Galway 'The Inner Game of Tennis.' This book inspired him to learn the craft of coaching and apply it in the world of work. With the help of McKinsey, Myles Downey was able to help people achieve business results through the art of coaching. 

In this episode, you will learn about:

  • developing the skill of coaching as a craft
  • enabling genius and how to help people express their own potential
  • the concept of flow and how it can help people manage themselves and their teams more effectively

Through his work, Myles Downey encourages people to look at their mindset and create experiments to help them grow and become better leaders. He inspires countless people to be more aware of themselves and the world around them. 

Episode Highlights


The point of doing things differently is actually to drive the business forward. Sometimes we get lost and don't realize that not all those activities are value add.


People need help identifying what their unique genius is. The world is rife with things that get in the way, interference, and the degree to which you can remove the interference. 


Talking about experiments takes the pressure off the thought that I have to change and be different. See what works better, then make a choice of that concept. If the experiment works, fantastic. If it works but needs to be tweaked, tweak it.


A lot of times we tell the group it's not your fault that they had a problem. But if you don't make a change, it's going to continue to be your problem.


What you need to do is train people so that they can make their own decisions. Leaders do not want to let go of their perceived control in the business world.


People who excel have something in common. It comes down to identity. Mindset, which is the mindset for success. 


You need a sense of confidence that you can do it. A work ethic that you know nothing comes natural. It is yourself awareness and knowing what you're capable of and not capable of. If you can put those together, you really can tackle anything. But it takes practice like everything else.

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