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Come Rain or Shine

Jan 28, 2021

I’ll be honest: I’m not a fan of New Year’s resolutions.

While I understand why they exist, as I’ve discovered, it’s human nature to overcommit to large-scale changes and overlook the smaller ones we can set each day.

As Jody and I discuss in this episode, ‘tis the season for many people to lose motivation...

Jan 21, 2021

For most of us, the story of our talent doesn’t follow a linear pathway.

As my guest, David Fernandez, attests in this episode, our creativity is a product of experiences and journeys, sometimes detours. While we may not understand the tools we find along the way, we should still use them to capture legacy and honor...

Redefine Success

Jan 14, 2021

When we hear ‘success’, we tend to think about an increase in something positive, whether money, pleasure, or opportunities. I know when I was younger, my idea of success was often rooted in financial and positional gains.

However, as Jody and I discuss in this episode, success is more than a title fit with a loaded...

Jan 14, 2021

When we hear ‘success’, we tend to think about an increase in something positive, whether money, pleasure, or opportunities. I know when I was younger, my idea of success was often rooted in financial and positional gains.

However, as Jody and I discuss in this episode, success is more than a title fit with a loaded...

Jan 7, 2021

As we step into 2021, anticipating change is only natural. Especially after a difficult 2020, most are hopeful for fresh opportunities and better things to come.

While resolutions are many this time of year, one I endorse is the power of differentiation. Rather than go with the flow and stay stuck in a routine, consider...